October 11, 2008


It's hard to know where the world goes, when your young like they tell you you are. A gray haired man today talked on TV about how the world is over populated, that any chance at reducing less waste will come from there being less people. He's a bit of a wacko it seemed but in the parlance of our times he may speak an inconvenient truth. In a hundred years will this financial crisis matter, will human dominance still continue? If another species had attained evolutionary advantage the way we had would they have invented the same animal prison shows that we did called zoo's.

I am full of too many questions and wanting of too many answers, I guess part of the wisdom you get with age is the comfort of the unknown. With age perhaps you learn to let the unknown be just that. Not for lack of understanding or searching, but willingness to just let things be as they are. Apathy wouldn't be the right word while they may resemble each other, but this feeling would be the caution and reluctance when asked to push a boulder up a hill. With age perhaps you perceive the chance that a heavy boulder could roll back and squash those who tire of pushing, who won't see the cause through to the end. It's not reluctance to join in, but the pain that might happen if it weren't to be seen till the end.

This old man on the TV was probably full of contradictions, I know most of those who espouse upon lofty ideals commonly are contradictory in some way. I see it in myself, in many around me. I question if it would be better to try and avoid these contradictions by not holding so tightly to ideals, or to hold tighter to them to avoid the contradictions. It is all around in the stories of humans, contradiction, which helps produce irony and satire. Perhaps it is even in our voice fluctuation from passive to active. I'll leave this be as the paycheck and responsibility of work calls.