April 18, 2008

How Free Thinking is Steve Jobs

I watched the Keynote speech by Steve Jobs at mac-world this spring. I wonder if he comes up with a lot of the apple ideas, and I wonder if he takes suggestions, becuase I have one for him.
I-Pod I-Slam edition,
I already have the advertismentNow doesn't the woman on the left just look a little bit happier? I little less oppressed? Freedom isn't free, This time it won't be a buck o'five instead it will be $39.00 . I know Jobs will be on this pronto, he loves to help out others by letting them buy his stuff. Besides what person sits around filled with hate and anger with two beautiful white buds in your ears. I mean who hasn't seen the women around Minneapolis wearing a head scarf but at the same time have a cell phone tucked snugly against this ear, thats right hands free. Take that Bluetooth, Islam women don't need your stupid device. Now with the Mcgyver like savvy these Islamic women have, whats stopping Jobs from taking this bandwagon to the white house, everyone remembers the Candy Bar drop in Berlin, now lets step it up a notch, and drop a million I-pods into I-Raq.

Jobs I'm looking at you.

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