May 14, 2008

Driving to the poor house

Driving isn't cheap anymore, but something might make it cheaper. Most notably your driving habits, including but not limited to your millage, acceleration and deceleration habits, time of day that you drive your car, and other scary information that can be taken by the magical black box stored in your vehicle. Big Brother is probably hoping you buy it.

Personally I'm in, I think people who drive with a lead foot accelerating and breaking need a swift kick in the butt, not only because they decrease the MPG but also cause it is dangerous for those on the street no driving I.E biking. Well here in the state of Minnesota, Progressive Insurance is offering a trial Pay as you drive system. Now the comments on the blog I hyper linked show the paranoia that many have with these new technologies. I on the other hand think it is great.

Having recently chatted about the plausibility of living car free for the duration of my stay here on earth. For long distances, for people transporting children, it isn't a fun life to live car free. But if you can pay very little for gas with high efficiency cars, or very little for insurance because of the extremely low distance you drive or how little you speed when driving. The rest of the time you can bike and still not get charged the same price as your regular drivers for insurance, then heck I'm all for it. I will give up the freedom of where and when I travel in the insured car to the insurance company. It's npt suprizing that abroad is getting the jump on this, as the U.S. is fairly car centric and highly resistant to changes like this. But hear my cry now, those who fail to the the benefit will rue the day.

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