September 15, 2008

Lehman for the lay-man, thats totally lame man

If the news has yet to be reached about the impending bankruptcy of Lehman brothers. Here it is someone has joking place Lehman brothers for sale on Ebay. This is a company effected by the notorious credit crunch, which I imagine to be like a certain captain cereal but with a more agonizing echo. This is also news on the heels of Merrill Lynch being sold to Bank of America, many link a lot of these actions to the failures within the housing market. Since the Government before decided to give money to Bear Stearns, it's about time they let the rich suffer a little as well, it's not like the government is handing out money to keep people from losing their homes, no no that is only for banks. The problem the government is facing is that economically comfortable people may become not so comfortable, and then that can be a game changer. When the middle classes revolt rather then just the poor people who are assuredly always a tinderbox of unrest, the stink may hit the fan. The market opens soon, as will the 35W bridge. The opening of the bridge will come as sweet relief to all those suffering in downtown traffic, but I imagine that the high gas prices would have been suffered much more willingly had it been explained as a reason to afford a new bridge. It's one thing to be loose in the wallet, it's another to be stuck in traffic.

A true sign that times are getting desperate- Rich giving away money kills people

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