December 1, 2008

Blackened Friday

Many may have heard of the deaths on friday, two men at a ToysRus in arizona that was supposedly unrelated to shopping, and then the temp Wal-Mart worker in Long Island. Now people think a worse sign for the economy would be people not shopping and consuming. For sales to go down would be the death prattle of the american economy. Nobody at the top wants a change in the power structure that they control.
But I think maybe americans as consumers are to ingrained to buy buy buy, that the behavior of shoppers refusing to leave the Wal-Mart store after the death is a worse sign. People won't stop consuming until they are trained not to, and for now we are trained better then canines to consume for the holidays. Shrinking Pocketbooks expanding Waistlines will be the headline of history as to the decline of american power.
Our consumption will be steadfast, but the desperate behavior of people on friday wanting to get the 'deals' is scary. Like a trained doberman going rogue. We no longer follow the proper training, but fight like mad to keep our consumption up.

The products are thought to be necessary to fulfill someones Christmas wish, no child mails into Santa a list topped off by hapiness, family, and friends. No it is gifts and consumption, sad but true. Now if you are familiar with the Suze Orman show, a financial guru who has dvd about getting out of debt and proselytizing on the financial empowerment of women. Well one segment of her show is where people call in with details of their financial status such as savings checking mortgage or CC debt. On light of friday's debacle I present can I afford it Black Friday special

Suze: Hello Monica and Burt in Long Island
M & B: Hey Suze, great to be here.
Suze: Great to have you two, now it says here you looking to purchase a 799.00 big screen TV from Wal-Mart?
M & B: Yes we are actually calling you from the line outside the store.
Suze: Now you have ten thousand in savings, 3 in your checking, and one hundred and eighty on your mortgage, is that right?
M & B: Thats right and we want to make more room in our den by getting those super duper flat big screen T.V's so we can sit on our diabetic rumps and watch commercials telling us to buy things in between shows.
Suze: Now how many people are ahead of you in line?
M & B: about 80 or so
Suze: and have you thought about how many TV's they will have in stock?
M & B: no... I guess we hadn't thought of that.
Suze: and do you have medical insurance?
M & B: Well we don't cause we are switching plans
Suze: Uh, oh well Bert are you confidant about your wrestling skills, because chances are that TV won't come without a fight.
M & B: That wasn't really on our radar, we just thought we would go straight for the TV and...
Suze: Now let me stop you there, the medical bills from the possible fight you will have will not be cheap, black friday has become black eye friday, so maybe if you do get the TV stop and grab some meat (hopefully it's a super Wal-Mart) and slap it on your eye buster, cause your going to need it, but frankly with the way things go now YOU CAN'T AFFORD IT.

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